Welcome to Purko Development Trust
Securing Community Livelihoods
A vibrant leader in community socio- economic development
To empower the community through sustainable development enterprise
Key Achievements 2019/2020
Improved relationship with the neighbouring communities in Mau Narok and Naroosura.
Fencing of the Naroosura ranch ( 2 major boundaries)
Purchase of 44 mainly Sahiwal cattle for the Naroosura Ranch
Financing the renovation and subsequent opening of Purko Secondary school, which now has a population of 48 Form 1 students
Supporting the Mau Forest legal petitions teams with travel and other logistics
Legal Support to the Municipality petition.
Legal support to the on-going Narok based parcels of land in contention with Narok County, and other national Government departments
Financing and Hosting the Maa Prayer conference
New Farm Double Cab Vehicle to support management logistics delivered in July 2019
New Tractor – New Holland delivered in March 2020
20 dairy Cattle purchased from Bahati Nakuru
40 Education scholarships valued at Ksh. 50,000 each offered to very needy cases of students ( 9 total orphans, 11 students from single parent headed families, 20 students from very needy backgrounds spread across the 5 Purko regions
Received Ksh. 1.5Million grant from East Africa Breweries to support planting of trees and part fencing of the Farm.
Sale of breeding bulls, rams and fatty sheep to over 70 community members for breeding and family support.
The Development of the Trust Strategic Plan for the years 2020-2024, that will guide the investment portfolios of the Trust for the next 5 years.
Core Values
Equity and Fairness
Accountability and Transparency
Respect for Rule of Law
Key Highlights
Download 2022-2023 Annual Report.

The Dairy Sector
Dairy farming has a huge potential for growth in Kenya. Purko trust has been exp...

Opening Of Purko Secondary School
In line with our corporate social responsibility, we financed the renovation and...

Maa Prayer and Repentance Conference
Purko Trust supported and participated the conference whose main objective was t...

Special Economic Zones (SZEs)
Members of Purko Trust together with the Cabinet Secretary for Devolution and Pl...